"Otro requisito obligatorio es que la historia (y cultura) de África debería ser al menos
vista desde dentro, no se mide por las normas de valores extraños ... Sin embargo, estas conexiones
tiene que ser analizadas en términos de intercambios e influencias multilaterales en que algo sea oído de la contribución africana al desarrollo de la humanidad. " J. Ki-Zerbo, Historia General de África, vol. I, p. LII.
Quienes somos: grupo de investigación de la Universidad de Granada, coordinado por la doctora Africanista Soledad Vieitez. AFRICAInEs se institucionaliza como grupo andaluz de investigación en 2009, aunque el trabajo comenzó algunos años antes al objeto de ofrecer investigación aplicada al desarrollo y la cooperación a través de investigaciones rigurosas en forma de estudios cualitativos de campo de media a larga duración y/o tesis doctorales en Antropología Social, especialmente, aunque no exclusivamente, sobre África. La idea además era producir estudios diagnósticos de utilidad para intervención social que tuviera en cuenta la complejidad y la diversidad cultural, social, económica y/o política. Las principales líneas de investigación son, a saber: Conceptos, discursos, percepciones y prácticas del desarrollo (local y global) y cooperación para el desarrollo (autonómica, nacional e internacional); Estudios de las mujeres y de género, en particular, en su relación con la economía y el desarrollo, aunque no exclusivamente en dicho ámbito; Migraciones, desarrollo y cooperación; Movimientos sociales y de mujeres en África y Asia, así como resistencias y movimientos ciudadanos en España o en el mundo; Medios de comunicación desde la Antropología, en particular, la producción africana de medios y representaciones propias; Culturas, desarrollo, mujeres y género; Salud, cuerpo, mujeres y reproducción; Estrategias de integración de comunidades y personas en la diáspora; Alternativas «sur‐sur» y/o desarrollos de base; Feminismos islámicos, africanos y negros.
There are two great examples of self-determination in post-colonial Africa, Eritrea and South Sudan. Eritrean independence came after a struggle lasting nearly four decades, one that ended in military victory over the Mengistu regime — the Derg. The larger context was also important. With the end of the Cold War, the US shed its fear of local independence turning into a Trojan horse for a rival superpower. In South Sudan, the internal situation was marked by a military stalemate. The (...)
The environment is taking center stage in local, national and global discourse and policies. This increasing focus is occurring in a neo-liberal context defined by unprecedented land grabs, increasing militarization of natural resource use and governance, and privatization/commercialization of the environment facilitated by the neo-liberal market hegemony. In Africa, the Sahelian drought of 1968-73 and the southern African droughts of the 1990s, the famine in the horn, numerous natural (...)
To those who are tempted to turn human rights into a crusade, and thus become fundamentalists of the neoliberal era. I would like to put forward three propositions: • Do not conflate criminal with political violence. Political violence may be criminal, but it is more. Political violence has a constituency • Political violence is seldom a stand alone act. It is most often part of a cycle of violence. When it comes to a cycle of violence, victims and perpetrators often change sides. There is (...)
Three hundred years ago, men and women in flesh and bone, were kidnapped from their villages in Guinea; trapped and captured like animals in Senegal; ripped from their families in Mozambique; herded aboard slave ships in Madagascar, and shipped across the Indian Ocean to this part of the World. Those who survived ended their days labouring like beasts of burden for foreign masters. They would never see Africa again. To the rest of the world, these unfortunate individuals lend a human face (...)
Il y a trois siècles, on enleva hommes et femmes de leurs villages en Guinée. D’autres, au Sénégal, furent piégés et pris comme des bêtes et d’autres encore arrachés à leurs familles au Mozambique. Puis, il y avait ceux qui, à Madagascar, furent menés comme des troupeaux à bord des négriers et transportés sur l’Océan Indien jusqu’à notre partie du monde. Les infortunés qui ne moururent pas en route passèrent le reste de leur vie à travailler comme des bêtes de somme pour ceux qui les avaient audacieusement (...)
Lotus was a quarterly magazine which for its time was a ground-breaking a literary cum artistic cum political expression. It started life as a journal called Afro-Asian Writings. From the outset the writer’s of the jounal placed themselves in relationship to the broader social and political mechanism of imperial powers. Firoze Manji spoke to Tariq Mehmood from the American University of Beirut about Lotus and the plans to republish these exceptional writings from the archives. FIROZE (...)
Nile Basin countries should realise that water issues in Africa are not only regional or national concerns, but also global concerns, writes Helmi Shaarawy I appreciate, in principle, the impact of disputes among the countries of the Nile Basin on the spirit of pan-Africanism and on progress in the development of regional cooperation in the Nile Basin, which is essential for the collective future and comprehensive development of one of the important regions in Africa. It is important to (...)
After over 10 years of objecting to obnoxious demands by the European Union in the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPAs) negotiations, ECOWAS, last week, suddenly reversed its position and made serious and incomprehensible concessions to the EU. The ECOWAS Commission has also adopted a speedy process starting with a hastily agreed meeting of chief negotiators in Brussels on February 6th. For the first time, the EPA process will now exclude the technical experts, civil society and the (...)
Il y a trois siècles, on enleva hommes et femmes de leurs villages en Guinée. D’autres, au Sénégal, furent piégés et pris comme des bêtes et d’autres encore arrachés à leurs familles au Mozambique. Puis, il y avait ceux qui, à Madagascar, furent menés comme des troupeaux à bord des négriers et transportés sur l’Océan Indien jusqu’à notre partie du monde. Les infortunés qui ne moururent pas en route passèrent le reste de leur vie à travailler comme des bêtes de somme pour ceux qui les avaient audacieusement (...)
Of all the insights offered by the seminal Jamaican-British cultural theorist Stuart Hall, who passed away on February 10 this year, one of the most relevant for anyone concerned about the Arab world today was his argument that "identities are an endless, unfinished conversation." It’s hard to think of a better summary of why the revolutions that started with so much hope across the Arab world in the winter of 2010-2011 have had such a hard time producing a positive outcome. It’s not merely (...)
SOUTH-SOUTH COLLABORATIVE PROGRAMME Dakar, Senegal. 24th and 25th of July 2014 Call for papers Within the framework of the third phase of the Africa, Asia and Latin America Scholarly Collaborative Program, the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), the International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs), and the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), are pleased to announce the next Comparative Research Workshop on Inequality and (...)
Deadline: 31 May, 2014 One of the most important vehicles that CODESRIA uses to mobilise national-level research capacities and channel them into organised reflections has been the National Working Groups (NWGs). Through this mechanism, it encourages African researchers to autonomously organise and pursue research on priority themes of their choice. NWGs have been supported by the Council in over forty African countries and have resulted in some of the most interesting studies on politics, (...)
Academic, poet and storyteller prof Mbulelo Vizikhungo Mzamane passed away in 16 February 2014. The Director of the Centre for African Literary Studies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and former Vice-Chancellor of University of Fort Hare was called a “visionary leader, [and] one of South Africa ‘s greatest intellectuals” by Nelson Mandela.
Deadline: 5th April, 2014 Date: 16th -27th June 2014 Venue: Dakar, Senegal Call for Applications Every year since 1994, the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) has organized a Gender Institute which brings together between 12 and 15 researchers for 3 weeks of concentrated debate, experience-sharing and knowledge-building. The duration of the institute for 2014 will be two weeks. Initially aimed at promoting widespread awareness of the concept of (...)
SOUTH-SOUTH COLLABORATIVE PROGRAMME Dakar, Senegal. 24th and 25th of July 2014 Call for papers Within the framework of the third phase of the Africa, Asia and Latin America Scholarly Collaborative Program, the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), the International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs), and the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), are pleased to announce the next Comparative Research Workshop on Inequality and (...)
Deadline: May 31, 2014 Within the framework of its strategy for building comparative knowledge on Africa produced from within the African continent, the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) invites proposals from researchers based in African universities and centres of research for the constitution of a special Comparative Research Network (CRN) on Africa’s changing security sector institutional landscape. The primary purpose of CRNs is to encourage (...)
Deadline: 31 May, 2014 Within the framework of its strategy for building comparative knowledge on Africa produced from within the African continent, the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) invites proposals from researchers based in African universities and centres of research for the constitution of Comparative Research Networks (CRNs) to undertake studies on or around any of the themes identified as priority research themes within the framework of (...)
Deadline: 31 May, 2014 One of the most important vehicles that CODESRIA uses to mobilise national-level research capacities and channel them into organised reflections has been the National Working Groups (NWGs). Through this mechanism, it encourages African researchers to autonomously organise and pursue research on priority themes of their choice. NWGs have been supported by the Council in over forty African countries and have resulted in some of the most interesting studies on politics, (...)
Deadline: 5th April, 2014 Date: 16th -27th June 2014 Venue: Dakar, Senegal Call for Applications Every year since 1994, the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) has organized a Gender Institute which brings together between 12 and 15 researchers for 3 weeks of concentrated debate, experience-sharing and knowledge-building. The duration of the institute for 2014 will be two weeks. Initially aimed at promoting widespread awareness of the concept of (...)
Deadline: March 15, 2014 Date: August 4-5, 2014 Venue: Tunis, Tunisia Within the framework of its Child and Youth Studies Programme, the Council for the development of social science research in Africa (CODESRIA) is pleased to announce it’s international conference on Youth, social movements and social networks in Africa to be held in Tunis, Tunisia from August 4-5, 2014. The conference is part of the Council’s effort to provide a platform to African scholars, researchers and intellectuals (...)
Deadline: 31st March, 2014 The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) invites applications from suitably qualified African scholars for the post of Deputy Executive Secretary in its pan-African Secretariat located in Dakar, Senegal. This position is categorised as one of the most senior management posts in the Secretariat and the successful candidate is expected to function as part of a team of senior programme staff under the overall supervision of the (...)
Dans le souci de satisfaire les besoins d’information des chercheurs en sciences sociales et de participer à la vulgarisation de la production scientifique africaine, le Centre de documentation, d’information et de communication du CODESRIA (CODICE) vient de mettre en ligne sa base de données bibliographique. La base de données bibliographique est présentée sous une plateforme très conviviale, ce qui permet au chercheur de faire facilement et aisément ses recherches. Elle est accessible à (...)
Bulletin on Academic Freedom in Africa Cahiers sur les libertés académiques en Afrique CODESRIA is pleased to announce its newsletter dedicated to academic freedom in Africa entitled PAX ACADEMICA. The main purpose of this newsletter is to provide the community of African researchers a tool for the dissemination of the fundamental principles and rules of academic freedom in Africa. It aims to promote an emancipatory message of academic freedom and remind academics of their social (...)
Director of Publications: Alex Bangirana Managing Editor: Mamadou Dramé Typesetting: Daouda Thiam Dakar, Senegal Editorial: The Mandela We Will Remember CODESRIA Honoured Latin “American and Caribbean” Regional Integration Award 2013 CODESRIA Acceptance Speech, Ebrima Sall Tributes to Nelson Mandela (1918–2013) “The Death of Mandela...”, Thandika Mkandawire The Mandela I Knew, Saths Cooper Hamba Khale, Madiba, Firoze Manji Mandela’s Long Walk, Paul T. Zeleza Debates Peacekeeping as Occupation, (...)
Edited by Firoze Manji & Bll Fletcher Jr. Co-published with Daraja Press. A unique collection of essays from engaged intellectuals and activists from across the African continent and internationally on the critical importance of Amilcar Cabral, marking the 40th anniversary of Cabral’s assassination in 1973.
One of the major issues this book examines is what the African experience and identity have contributed to the debate on citizenship in the era of globalisation. This volume presents case studies of different African contexts, illustrating the gendered aspects of citizenship as experienced by African men and women. Citizenship carries manifold gendered aspects and given the distinct gender roles and responsibilities, globalisation affects citizenship in different ways. It further examines (...)
À l’occasion de la célébration du 28e anniversaire de la disparition du Pr Cheikh Anta Diop, il est regrettable de constater que, malgré la grande fascination que suscite l’illustre universitaire, ses écrits restent encore largement méconnus par les nouvelles générations alors qu’ils continuent d’être revisités dans le reste du monde. Et pourtant, ce savant pluridisciplinaire et panafricaniste convaincu a légué un héritage bibliographique considérable à la jeunesse sénégalaise et africaine, lui (...)
Devastating news of the untimely death of Carlos Schwarz da Silva, otherwise fondly referred to as Pepito. The following obituary appeared athttp://www.publico.pt/mundo/noticia.... Carlos was a contributing author to Claim No Easy Victories: The Legacy of Amilcar Cabral. Edited by Firoze Manji & Bill Fletcher Jr ttps://www.createspace.com/4273263 “Não existe pedra sobre pedra das nossas memórias: fotografias, filmes, livros, recordações de toda a vida, haviam desaparecido. Recomeçámos tudo (...)
As is happening in other African countries, the dynamics of State building in Mozambique has been marked by the centrality of processes of economic growth and accumulation based on close ties between emerging national capital and multinational capital, particularly organised around the control, appropriation and exploitation of natural resources and of the rents that derive from their exploitation. The large volume of foreign direct investment, in association with national capital and (...)
The latest issue of AwaaZ Magazine focuses attention on the attack on the Westgate Shopping Centre. AwaaZ: Volume 10, Issue 3:www.awaazmagazine.com Cover Story: Westgate Blowback What we’re not talking about... but should be: By L Muthoni Wanyeki Westgate: Kenya`s Watergate : By Ramnik Shah Love Belatedly: by John Sibi Okumu Special Feature: The Hon. Shamsudeen 1879-1948 Other Articles: Straight Talk by Alamin Mazrui by Aamera Jiwaji Unsilencing: An indictment of the (...)
The Cambridge-Africa Programme enables principal investigators at the University of Cambridge to apply (jointly with a partner at a sub-Saharan African university or research institution) for grants from the Cambridge-Africa Alborada Research Fund. The Cambridge-Africa Alborada Research Fund was established with generous support from The Alborada Trust, to help researchers from the University of Cambridge and sub-Saharan African institutions, across all disciplines, to initiate and/or (...)
The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) is headquartered in Dakar, Senegal. It was established in 1973 as an independent pan-African research organisation primarily focusing on social sciences research in Africa. CODESRIA’s mission required the emergence of a pan-African community of researchers, the protection of their intellectual freedom and autonomy in performing their duties and the elimination of barriers regarding language, discipline, region, gender and generation.
Le Conseil pour le développement de la recherche en sciences sociales en Afrique (CODESRIA) a son siège à Dakar, au Sénégal. C’est une organisation panafricaine, indépendante de recherche en sciences sociales en Afrique. Elle a été créée en 1973. La mission du CODESRIA requérait l'émergence d'une communauté panafricaine de chercheurs, la protection de leur liberté intellectuelle et leur autonomie dans l'exercice de leurs fonctions et l'élimination des barrières linguistiques, de disciplines, régionales, de genre et générationnelles.
CODESRIA is a membership organization open to Africa researchers and institutions. The status of individual or institutional member is reserved for institutions and individuals located in Africa. Institutions and individuals outside of Africa are being given the status of associate member. For further details, go tohttp://www.codesria.org/spip.php?article159&lang=en
Le CODESRIA est une organisation ouverte aux chercheurs et aux institutions. Le statut de membre individuel ou institutionnel est réservé aux africains et aux institutions africaines. Les institutions et individus non-africains ont le statut de membre associé. Pour plus de détails, allez à http://www.codesria.org/spip.php?article159&lang=fr
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