
"Otro requisito obligatorio es que la historia (y cultura) de África debería ser al menos

vista desde dentro, no se mide por las normas de valores extraños ... Sin embargo, estas conexiones

tiene que ser analizadas en términos de intercambios e influencias multilaterales en que algo sea oído de la contribución africana al desarrollo de la humanidad. " J. Ki-Zerbo, Historia General de África, vol. I, p. LII.

Quienes somos: grupo de investigación de la Universidad de Granada, coordinado por la doctora Africanista Soledad Vieitez. AFRICAInEs se institucionaliza como grupo andaluz de investigación en 2009, aunque el trabajo comenzó algunos años antes al objeto de ofrecer investigación aplicada al desarrollo y la cooperación a través de investigaciones rigurosas en forma de estudios cualitativos de campo de media a larga duración y/o tesis doctorales en Antropología Social, especialmente, aunque no exclusivamente, sobre África. La idea además era producir estudios diagnósticos de utilidad para intervención social que tuviera en cuenta la complejidad y la diversidad cultural, social, económica y/o política. Las principales líneas de investigación son, a saber: Conceptos, discursos, percepciones y prácticas del desarrollo (local y global) y cooperación para el desarrollo (autonómica, nacional e internacional); Estudios de las mujeres y de género, en particular, en su relación con la economía y el desarrollo, aunque no exclusivamente en dicho ámbito; Migraciones, desarrollo y cooperación; Movimientos sociales y de mujeres en África y Asia, así como resistencias y movimientos ciudadanos en España o en el mundo; Medios de comunicación desde la Antropología, en particular, la producción africana de medios y representaciones propias; Culturas, desarrollo, mujeres y género; Salud, cuerpo, mujeres y reproducción; Estrategias de integración de comunidades y personas en la diáspora; Alternativas «sur‐sur» y/o desarrollos de base; Feminismos islámicos, africanos y negros.

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

ECAS 2013

ECAS 2013

5th European Conference on African Studies
African dynamics in a multipolar world

Call for papers

The call for papers is now open and will close on 16th January 2013.
Please browse the list of accepted panels and make your proposal to an appropriate panel. On the panel page, beneath the long abstract you will find a link stating 'Propose a paper'. Click that to access the online form.
All proposals must be made via the bespoke on-line facility that ECAS2013 is using to handle all proposals. Proposals should not be sent by email. Convenors wishing to present in their own panel should also use the online form to enter their proposal.
Proposals should consist of a paper title, a (very) short abstract of less than 300 characters, and an abstract of 250 words. The proposal may also state the audio-visual requirements you have for your presentation.
On submission of the proposal, you should be taken to a screen stating that your submission was completed successfully. If not then you need to try again. On completion the convenors will be sent an automated email alerting them to your proposal. You will also be sent such an email. If you do not receive this email, please first check the login environment (click login above) to see if your proposal is there. If it is, it simply means your confirmation email got spammed/lost; and if it is not, it means you need to re-submit, as the process went wrong somewhere!
Proposals will be marked as pending until the Call for Papers closes, and convenors are asked to make decisions. They will then be marked as accepted or rejected; and the panel convenors will inform you of their decisions.


Delegates may only make one presentation, although they may also convene one plenary session or panel; or be discussant in one plenary session or panel.
Clearly delegates may make multiple proposals, however we discourage this practice as later you will be required to withdraw papers where you have multiple acceptances, inconveniencing those convenors. 

Useful information for after you've proposed your paper

Paper authors can use the login link in the toolbar above to edit their proposals. Co-authors cannot be added/removed nor can papers be withdrawn through this environment - please email ecas2013(at) to do this.

Pre-circulation of papers

ECAS has no rule about this; however many convenors are keen to pre-circulate completed papers. To facilitate this and save on email traffic, if requested by convenors, authors can upload PDFs of their papers within the online system, which will then show as a downloadable file beneath their abstract on the public panel page on this site.

Timing of presentations

Convenors are free to allocate the time of their sessions as they like. The ECAS norm is to allot each presenter a maximum of 22 minutes (for presentation and questions/discussion), however convenors should let you know about this nearer the conference.
We are unable to represent specific intra-panel timings in our programme. Delegates reading the conference book will have to work on the assumption that papers will be evenly distributed through the panel.

Communication between authors/convenors

Convenor/author email addresses are not shown on the panel pages for anti-spam reasons. However there is an in-built secure email messaging system. If you cannot work that, please email ecas2013(at) to obtain relevant email addresses.
Any queries with the above please email ecas2013(at)

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