"Otro requisito obligatorio es que la historia (y cultura) de África debería ser al menos
vista desde dentro, no se mide por las normas de valores extraños ... Sin embargo, estas conexiones
tiene que ser analizadas en términos de intercambios e influencias multilaterales en que algo sea oído de la contribución africana al desarrollo de la humanidad. " J. Ki-Zerbo, Historia General de África, vol. I, p. LII.
Quienes somos: grupo de investigación de la Universidad de Granada, coordinado por la doctora Africanista Soledad Vieitez. AFRICAInEs se institucionaliza como grupo andaluz de investigación en 2009, aunque el trabajo comenzó algunos años antes al objeto de ofrecer investigación aplicada al desarrollo y la cooperación a través de investigaciones rigurosas en forma de estudios cualitativos de campo de media a larga duración y/o tesis doctorales en Antropología Social, especialmente, aunque no exclusivamente, sobre África. La idea además era producir estudios diagnósticos de utilidad para intervención social que tuviera en cuenta la complejidad y la diversidad cultural, social, económica y/o política. Las principales líneas de investigación son, a saber: Conceptos, discursos, percepciones y prácticas del desarrollo (local y global) y cooperación para el desarrollo (autonómica, nacional e internacional); Estudios de las mujeres y de género, en particular, en su relación con la economía y el desarrollo, aunque no exclusivamente en dicho ámbito; Migraciones, desarrollo y cooperación; Movimientos sociales y de mujeres en África y Asia, así como resistencias y movimientos ciudadanos en España o en el mundo; Medios de comunicación desde la Antropología, en particular, la producción africana de medios y representaciones propias; Culturas, desarrollo, mujeres y género; Salud, cuerpo, mujeres y reproducción; Estrategias de integración de comunidades y personas en la diáspora; Alternativas «sur‐sur» y/o desarrollos de base; Feminismos islámicos, africanos y negros.
miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011
"Aprender sobre África" nuevo blog del Centre d'Estudis Africans i Interculturals (CEA)
domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011
AfricaInEs en el CIEA 8
Cultura, Media y Cambio
martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011
"Las mujeres fulbe entre encrucijadas y cambios. Pulaaku, agencia corporal, reproducción y sexualidad".Defensa de tesis miembro AfricaInEs
- Dra. Carmen Gregorio Gil, Presidenta (UGR)
- Dra. Roser Manzanera Ruiz, Secretaria (UGR)
- Dra. Virginia Fons Renaudon, Vocal 1ª (UAB)
- Dr. Jordi Tomàs Aguilera, Vocal 2º (CEA-ICSTE, IUL Lisboa)
- Dr. Josep Martí Pérez, Vocal 3º (Instituto Milá y Fontanals, CSIC-Barcelona)
miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011
Call for paper CIEA8- Madrid 2012
8º Congreso Ibérico de Estudios Africanos
martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011
Ewa Strzelecka miembro de AfricaInEs, comparte sus experiencias en Yemen por Granada Hoy
AfricaInEs Recomienda: "Illegal Migration and Gender in a Global and Historical Perspective"
Two issues come to the fore in current debates over migration: illegal migration and the role of gender in illegal migration. This incisive study combines the two subjects and views the migration scholarship through the lens of the gender perspective, investigating definitions of citizenship and the differences in mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion for men and women, producing a comprehensive account of illegal migration in Germany, the Netherlands, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, Mexico, Malaysia, the Horn of Africa and the Middle East over the nineteenth- and the twentieth centuries.
You can read and download, free of charge, an electronic version of Illegal Migration and Gender in a Global and Historical Perspective here:;keyword=imiscoe
domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011
Jornadas 'Mujeres en las ‘Primaveras Árabes’: Presente y Futuro
Del 14 al 24 de noviembre se celebra en Granada las jornadas ´Mujeres en las primaveras árabes: presente y futuro’, jornadas que responden a la necesidad de conocer de primera mano, los procesos de refundación que se están dando en muchos de los países del marco árabe desde el punto de vista de las mujeres. ¿Cuál ha sido el papel de las mujeres en estas dinámicas de reivindicación de justicia y dignidad colectiva? ¿Cuáles son sus expectativas? ¿Cómo se ha representado, cómo se ha ‘nombrado’ este protagonismo por parte de instituciones nacionales e internacionales y los medios de comunicación, propios y ajenos?
Con el fin de tener respuestas y abrir un dialogo sobre este tema, las jornadas cuentan con periodistas, escritoras, blogueras, activistas por los derechos humanos, etc. que intervendrán a lo largo de distintas sesiones en las que se tratará la participación de las mujeres en estos movimientos. Escritoras y blogueras nos presentarán sus escritos. La proyección de documentales ayudará también a expresar visualmente lo que han podido vivir millones de personas durante estas primaveras o reflejarán la visión cinematográfica de cineastas de esta parte del mundo.
Las jornadas se establecen en su primera semana en formato de conferencias y mesas redondas, que se ofrecen englobadas en cinco sesiones bajo distintas temáticas: 'Mujeres árabes, entre modernidad y tradición'; 'Justicia de Género en los procesos de democracia y gobernanza en los países arabes';'Tratamiento informativo del papel de las mujeres en las primaveras árabes';'Derechos Humanos y primaveras árabes' y 'Mujeres árabes y literatura'.
En las distintas sesiones se contará con presencias destacadas como la escritora y abogada argelina Wassyla Tamzali; la bloguera tunecina Lina Ben Mhenni, candidata al Nobel de la Paz 2011; la antropóloga y activista marroquí, titular de la Cátedra Euroárabe, Hayat Zirari; la escritora siria Salwa El Meini; las periodistas Shahira Amin, de Egipto, Malika Boussouf de Argelia y la freelance Amaia López de Munain, así como los periodistas Baher Kamal de la agencia iternacional de noticias IPS y Pierre Cherruau, director de Slate Afrique. Igualmente se contará con las investigadoras y activistas Meryem Demnati, amazigh-Marruecos y la hispano-iraquí Nadia Hindi. El ámbito académico también tiene su espacio con las profesoras de la Universidad de Granada, Caridad Ruiz de Almodóvar, profesora titular de Historia del Islam Moderno y Contemporáneo y la catedrática de Estudios Semíticos Mercedes del Amo; el catedrático de Ciencias Políticas Juan Montabes o la escritora y profesora de la Autónoma de Madrid, Leonor Merino.
Las conferencias y mesas redondas se desarrollarán en la sede de la Fundación Euroárabe así como la exposición ‘Las mujeres revolucionarias de Yemen’ del fotógrafo inglés Luke Somers que se presenta en el patio de la Euroárabe. El ciclo de documentales y películas tendrá lugar en la sede de la Filmoteca de Andalucía. La mesa redonda sobre ‘Literatura y mujeres árabes’ se celebra el martes 22 de noviembre en la sede de la Biblioteca de Andalucía.
Las jornadas están organizadas por Fundación Euroárabe de Altos Estudios y Alianza Francesa de Granada, con el patrocinio de la AECID y los Servicios de Acción Cultural de la Embajada de Francia en España. Estas jornadas cuentan con la colaboración de la Fundación Tres Cultura; Casa Árabe; Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía a través de la Biblioteca de Andalucía y la Filmoteca de Andalucía, Misión de la Liga de Estados Árabes en España; CicBATÁ; Centro de Iniciativas de Cooperación al Desarrollo de la Universidad de Granada – CICODE; Amnistia Internacional; Centro UNESCO de Andalucía; Cadena IBIS y Air France.
lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011
Cardenos de Estudos Africanos
Disponible en:
lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011
Call for Proposals: Women’s Empowerment in Arab States
High impact political and economic empowerment programmes sought, grantees to be announced in December; other regions to follow
United Nations, New York — UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality, a grantmaking fund initiated by Spain and dedicated to advancing women’s rights and gender equality, announced today its second Call for Proposals, inviting women’s organizations and government agencies to apply for grants to support women’s political and economic empowerment. In recognition of the recent developments in the Arab States region, which have created additional opportunities for supporting efforts to improve the life conditions of women and girls, the first phase of the Fund’s 2011–2012 call will immediately focus on proposals that seek to empower women and their communities in this region.
AfricaInEs participa del CEFAS Seminar programme on Gender Transformations in the Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of Africa” en el Cairo
Conference location: 1, Madrasset El Huquq El Frinsiya Street, El Mounira, Cairo, Egypt
Wednesday November 16th
9:30-11:00: Opening session
9:30-10:00: Blandine Destremau et Stéphanie Latte-Abdallah Michel Tuchscherer
Welcome address, the project, the organisation of the conference
10:00 – 11:00: Stéphanie Latte-Abdallah (CNRS, IREMAM)
Stakes and challenges in gender studies in the Arab world, followed by a debate with the floor
11:00-11:30: coffee break
11:30 – 13:00: Session 1 Public Policies and Gender Development (Development)
Discussant : Blandine Destremau (CNRS, LISE)
AL-SAGGAF Ali Ahmed, Department of Statistics& Informative, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Aden
“Gender and Development. A Case Study of Arabian Peninsula Countries”
HASSAN Houssein Souraya, CRUD - University of Djibouti
“Women, public policies and Development in Djibouti”
PEUTZ Nathalie, Arab Crossroads Studies at New York University in Abu Dhabi
“Targeted Women and A Barred Development in Yemen’s Socotra Archipelago”
TRENTO Giovanna, Center for Humanities Research, University of the Western Cape, South Africa, French Center for Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
“The “Construction” of Ethiopian-Italians: Gender Relations in the Horn of Africa During and After Italian Colonialism”
13:00 – 14:30: lunch
14:30 – 16:00: session 2: Public Policies and Gender Development (Rights and emancipation) –
Discussant: Martina Rieker, Institute for Gender and Women’s Studies (AUC)
DAHLGREN Susanne, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
“Revisiting the Southern women's rights issue in Yemen : the law, the shari'a and the custom”
KAROLAK Magdalena, New York Institute of Technology, College of Arts and Science, Adliya, Kingdom of Bahrain,
“Female emancipation in Bahrain : a tool for social reform”
*Strzelecka Ewa, University of Granada (Spain)
Gender, Culture and Development: Islam and Women’s Human Rights in Yemen
SAFAR Jihan, Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris
The birth spacing policy in the sultanate of Oman : a ‘modern’ project for the couple and the family
16:00 – 16:30: tea break
16:30 – 18:00: session 3: Employment, Professions and Labor (employment markets and mobility)
Discussant : Marina De Regt, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam
Replacing Foreign Workers by Saudi Women: Policy and Practices
MAHDAVI Pardis, Pomona College, Claremont California
“Trafficked Women” and “Migrant Men”: Questioning Discursive Constructions of Gendered Migration in the United Arab Emirates
CAMELIN Sylvaine, Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre-la Défense
“Educated migrant women in the Gulf”
CHRISTIANSEN Connie Carøe, Institute for Society and Globalisation, Roskilde University, Denmark
“Gender and social remittances; return migrants to Yemen from the Horn of Africa”
Thursday November 17th
9:30 – 11:00: session 4: Employment, Professions and Labor (service and care)
Discussant : Amélie le Renard, CNRS-CMH-PRO, Paris
ARAB Chadia, CNRS - UMR ESO-Angers (6590), Espaces et Sociétés, Angers
“Moroccan female migration in the United Arab Emirates From spatial and social liberation to production of social breakdown and marginalization”
DE REGT Marina, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam
“Gender and Ethnicity in Paid Domestic Labour: Past and Present Experiences of Ethiopian and Eritrean Women in Yemen”
NAGY Sharon, DePaul University, Chicago
“Stigmatizing Service—Work, Gender and Morality in Bahrain / Bahraini and non-Bahraini Women in the Workforce 1971-2011: changing attitudes toward work, gender and nationality”
MOULIN Anne-Marie, SPHERE/Paris 7 University,
“Gender and Care. The controversial status and recent evolution of female health
professionals in the Arabic Peninsula”
11:00 – 11:30: coffee break
11:30 – 13:00: session 5: Intimacy and Moral debates (representations, violence and gender identity construction)
Discussant: Najat Sayem, University of Sana’a
AHMAD ABDUL IZZI Arwa, Dept. of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Sana’a University
Experiences of individuals on the gender based violence in Yemeni society
QANBAR Nada, Faculty of Arts- Taiz University
The Image of Women in the Yemeni Proverbs
ISMA'IL Rokhsana ; SHAMSHER ALI Radia, University of Aden ; Science & Technology Center- Aden University
Masculinity and it’s Impact on Violence Against Women in Yemen ( Aden )
RYAN Stephanie Cate, Political Science/Sociology University of Innsbruck Austria, PROFANTER Annemarie, Faculty of Education at the Free University of Bolzano
Religious and Spiritual Tools for Male Societal Integration in Saudi Arabia
PLANEL Vincent, MMSH- IDEMEC, Aix-en-Provence
The three brothers of al-Hawdh and Mansour the French
The fall of urban charismatic figures in the Yemen of the 2000s
13:00 – 14:30: lunch
14:30 – 16:00: session 6: Intimacy and Moral debates (women’s subjectivities in and outside the family)
Discussant: Rokhsana Isma’il, University of Aden
VAN OORSHOT Irene, Faculty of the Social Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam
“Emerging Cosmopolitanisms: Constructing New Subjectivities in the Female Qāt Chew”
VENTURA Mustienes Gemma, Garcia-Ventura Agnès, Universitat de Barcelona
“Building new spaces: gender and linguistic interactions in Al-Sanea's Banat Al-Riyadh”
RYAN Stephanie Cate, Political Science/Sociology University of Innsbruck Austria, PROFANTER Annemarie, Faculty of Education at the Free University of Bolzano
“Indigenous Polygyny. Desert Designs and Daring Delineations: Individual Options and Tribal (Dhofar, Oman)”
BASALEEM Huda, Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Aden University
“Women’s Reproductive Health Seeking Behaviour in Four Districts in Sana’a: Qualitative Analysis”
16:00 – 17:30: Blandine Destremau: wrap-up, discussion, follow-up
*Ewa es miembro de AfricaInEs
Organized by CEFAS (The French Centre in Sana’a for Archaeology and Social Sciences,
viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011
Call for Proposal: Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) (2011/2012)
FAWE believesit is imperative to invest in research in Africa as way producing relevant, up
to date information to buttress advocacy in education policy. Thus, this three year research
initiative aims to work collaboratively with established research institutions to produce
pertinent and robust research that can be used to constructively engage government, policy
makers and other regional bodies on strategies to advance girls’ education in Africa. Findings from the research will be used to inform FAWE’s advocacy work and help redress gender inequities that hamper girls’ and women’s fulfilment of their right to education and
meaningful participation in Africa’s social and economic advancement.
For more information:
Call for Papers: International Conference São Tomé and Príncipe from an interdisciplinary, diachronic and synchronic perspective
International Conference São Tomé and Príncipe from an interdisciplinary, diachronic and synchronic perspective
Lisbon, ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon, 27 - 28 March 2012
The International Conference São Tomé and Príncipe from an interdisciplinary, diachronic and synchronic perspective is the result of a partnership between researchers at the Centre of African Studies (CEA) at ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) and the Global Development Programme at the Tropical Research Institute (IICT) in Lisbon. As part of on-going research projects, the conference aims to present and share studies and project results from research conducted on São Tomé and Príncipe in various areas of scientific knowledge.
Reflecting its small physical dimensions, the volume of scientific scholarship focused on São Tomé and Príncipe is relatively meagre compared to that related to larger Portuguese-speaking African countries such as Angola or Mozambique. In recent years, however, the number of research studies undertaken in relation to the small archipelago in the Gulf of Guinea has increased considerably, in both the social and natural sciences. Consequently, this conference intends to give major visibility to research that has been done, create opportunities for researchers of different scientific areas to present their work, and thus to promote interest in São Tomé and Príncipe and of the role played by scientific research.
Emphasis is given to comparative and interdisciplinary research, including historical, anthropological, sociological, cultural, economic, political, biological and environmental perspectives. This will allow for an historical approach not only in global terms or on the level of the archipelago’s relationship with the African continent and the world, but also with regard to the importance of knowledge in this society’s current context. A deeper historical understanding of the realities of this archipelago is expected to enable a better comprehension of the current situation of this country, as well as to help to identify current problems and collaborate in their solution.
Thematic areas:
Occupation and colonial history; history of slavery and the plantation economy
Genesis of the society, insularity, Creole societies
Modern colonialism, the realm of the plantations, decolonisation
Post-colonial period, political transitions, economic policies, diasporas
Languages, literature and culture
Biodiversity, Ethnobotany, traditional medicine and circulation of knowledge
Development and cooperation (presentation of projects)
Organising Committee:
Ana Cristina Roque (IICT)
Gerhard Seibert (CEA)
Vítor Rosado Marques (IICT)
Teresa Vilela (IICT)
Fernanda Alvim (CEA/ISCTE-IUL)
Ana Cristina Roque, tel. +351 213600580/1/2
Gerhard Seibert, tel. +351 21 790 39 03
The conference is open to all interested parties, researchers and the general public. Paper proposals must be submitted in the form of an abstract, in Portuguese or English, to the e-mail The deadline is 15 December 2011. The results of the evaluation of the abstracts will be reported before the end of January 2012. Papers can be presented in Portuguese or English; however, simultaneous interpretation will not be available. Each presentation lasts 20 minutes.
Registration is mandatory and free, but the organisation will not pay any travel expenses or accommodation.
Rules of the submission of paper proposals:
Abstracts should be between 300 and 500 words, text font Calibri, font size 11, with body text 1.5-spaced and double-spaced between text sections; key words: minimum 2, maximum 5.
Please include name(s) of the author(s), institutional affiliation and the author’s e-mail address.
For more information:
lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011
2nd Kwame Nkrumah International Conference
Africa's Many Divides and Africa's Future

- The Northern Africa-Southern Africa Divide
- The Linguistic Divide
- The Class Divide
- The Ethnic Divide
- The Ideological-Political Divide
- The Gender and Sexuality Divides
- The Generational Divide
- The Religious Divides
- The Rural-Urban Divide
- The Afro-Pessimism-Afro-Optimism Divide
- The Continental Africa-Diaspora Africa Divide
- The Intellectual-Non-intellectual Divide
- The Elitism-Non-Elitism Divide
- The Global South-Global North Divide
- The Cold War Ideological Divide (the Soviet-East-American-West) Divide
- The Post-Cold War Divide(s)
- The slaver-raiders/sellers and the enslaved Divide
- The rhetoric (theory)/action (practice) Divide
Paper Abstract Submission
For More Information, contact
Department of Sociology
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
12666 72nd Avenue
Surrey, British Columbia
V3W 2M8, Canada
Telephone: 604.599.3075